
The problems of professional adaptation and aspects of flight dispatchers� professional adaptation are considered in the work. The groups of difficulties encountered by flight dispatchers in the process of professional adaptation are presented. The main conditions and factors, on which the success of flight dispatchers� professional adaptation depends, are highlighted. Flight dispatchers perform a lot of tasks related to flight information service, with the calculation of flight parameters, flight planning, assistance to the crew in preparation for the flight, flight control. All these tasks must be performed quickly, confidently and with the great accuracy. All these working conditions result in certain difficulties in the young professionals� adaptation. When analysing different sources and surveys, it has been found that the airline young specialists in terms of professional adaptation can be divided into several groups: young professionals who easily master the profession and quickly join the service or division of the airline; young professionals who easily master the profession, but who need socio-psychological adaptation; young professionals who need all kinds of adaptation to the profession and to the team. It has been found that the most common difficulties, which the airline young employees face with, are the difficulties of adapting to the specifics of the content of specific professional tasks associated with their lack of training. The scientific literature on professional adaptation, factors and conditions of adaptation success have been analyzed; work on the factors of professional adaptation success has been revealed. An expert survey of airline specialists to identify problems, ways to overcome difficulties of adaptation, conditions and factors of flight dispatchers� professional adaptation in obtaining clearance to perform flights have been made. It has been established that young professionals within the professional adaptation are adapted to the peculiarities of professional activity, to the specifics of the content of specific professional tasks, as well as to the the airline staff. We consider the development and substantiation of the young aviation specialists� professional adaptation model components as further directions of the research. Key words: professional adaptation, flight dispatchers, factors and conditions of successful professional adaptation.

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