
The author notes that in a global pandemic, global mobility restrictions have led to a deep crisis in international and domestic tourism. Other sectors of the economy related to tourism, such as transport, hotels, restaurants, services, etc., were also affected. Given that the tourism industry is an important component for the formation of the state budget of many countries, and for some countries - the main budget-generating industry, it is clear how important it is to find mechanisms to minimize losses caused by quarantine restrictions on mobility. Governments are trying to find ways to compensate for the loss of revenue caused by the slowdown in tourism growth, which is needed to finance public services, including in the social sphere, environmental protection, agriculture and the financial sector, and to take measures to meet debt maturities, both in the public and in the private segment. Forecasting and identifying trends for the further development of the tourism business and related sectors of the economy in a pandemic is one of the important tasks of analysts, economists, and logisticians from around the world. The measures currently proposed are aimed at reducing the rate of the global pandemic - mass vaccination of the population, regional and local lockdowns, self-isolation of tourists and various migrants, all this does not work in favor of improving the rate of tourist travel. Thus, it can be stated that the global pandemic has affected the entire tourism business - the work of operators, airlines, hotel chains, digital booking platforms, advertising in the media, so we can confidently predict a global contraction of the tourism industry for at least the next five years.

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