
For today there is a number of undecided issues on collection and transportation of waste inSaint-Petersburg and North-Western Region of Russian Federation, For modernization of awhole cycle of waste handling from the stages of collection, sorting and transportation tillwaste treatment, storage and burial, it has been conducted by enterprises and scientists ofSaint-Petersburg a range of works directed to raising efficiency of these processes andmodernization of existing equipment When developing sorting refuse at the reloadingstations, in particular it is planned to switch from primitive manual sorting to mechanic tools.There are being carried out the works on improving and development of new machinery andcontainers, in particular on designing new types of containers (compactors), on equippingtransport by navigation systems etc. Now there is being created at the enterprise "Spetstrans"the car for service of Saint-Petersburg Center as a district of low buildings. The specialattention by the specialists of motor transportation enterprises No 1 and No6 is paid to tum todouble-stage method of waste removal with using waste reloading stations, to designingvarious technological equipment for compacting and pressing waste. And it is very importantbecause through reloading stations passes up till 50% of registered waste general volume.There are established 16 presses with compression coefficient from 4 till 8 at the reloadingstations. So, the enterprises are interested themselves in raising manufacturability of process,development of new mechanisms and equipment, in introducing of computers and automatedsystems to the process because a concurrence for waste treatment is raised lately. This fact isnecessary to take into account when planning the capacities designed for construction in theplanned period.This presentation is just devoted to analysis of enumerated problems and ways of theirsolving.

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