
The analysis of a state and development of health sector in Russia is presented in article. The developed trends in receipt and expenditure of means of financing of medical services of health care in the country are revealed. The authors have identified existing problems in the field of health related to its lack of funding. Comparative characteristic of the amounts of financing of medicine is manufactured in Russia and a number of the leading foreign countries. The typology, advantages and shortcomings of various ways of financing of health sector are revealed. Characteristic and an assessment of national peculiarities of financing of health care in world practice is given. The author's approach on modernization of the model of financing of health sector existing in the country with attraction for this purpose means of the state, business and the population allowing to pass to real, ordered, economically rational consumption of medical services and to increase the responsibility of citizens for strengthening of own health is offered. This approach is focused on a gradual transition from a budget-insurance type of financing of medical services with a private-insurance type and is based on expanding the ability of citizens to manage their financial resources on accumulative medical bills. In addition, the author's approach assumes that the functions of the state will include the implementation of programs to provide socially unprotected segments of the population with medical services on favorable terms. This approach forms model of financing of health sector with considerable participation of the population in joint financing of expenses on medical services, conditions for development of systems of voluntary health insurance and implementation of programs of medical insurance taking into account a possibility of the free choice by the citizen of volume of the consumed medical services.

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