
We present a study of the narrow Fe Kα line in seven bright, nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) that have been observed extensively with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating (HETG). The HETG data reveal a wider Fe Kα line in the first-order spectrum than in the second- and third-order spectra, which we interpret as the result of spatially extended Fe Kα emission. We utilize these differences in narrow Fe Kα line widths in the multi-order Chandra HETG spectra to determine the spatial extent and intrinsic velocity width of the emitting material in each object. We find that there is modest evidence for spatially extended emission in each object, corresponding to extension of r ∼ 5–100 pc. These distances are significantly larger than those inferred from velocity widths assuming gravitational motions, which give r ∼ 0.01–1 pc. This implies either that the gas is emitting at a range of radii, with smaller radii dominating the velocity width and larger radii dominating the spatial extent, or that the gas is exhibiting nongravitational motions, which we suggest would be outflows due to slight excess redshift in the line and velocities that exceed the freefall velocity. We also use the spatial extent information to estimate the mass of the emitting gas by counting fluorescing iron atoms, finding masses on the order of M gas ∼ 105–108 M ⊙. Future work with observatories like XRISM will be able to extend this study to a larger number of AGN and decrease uncertainties that arise as a result of the low signal-to-noise ratio of the higher-order HETG data.

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