
Cellular providers and data aggregating companies crowdsource cellular signal strength measurements from user devices to generate signal maps, which can be used to improve network performance. Recognizing that this data collection may be at odds with growing awareness of privacy concerns, we consider obfuscating such data before the data leaves the mobile device. The goal is to increase privacy such that it is difficult to recover sensitive features from the obfuscated data (e.g. user ids and user whereabouts), while still allowing network providers to use the data for improving network services (i.e. create accurate signal maps). To examine this privacy-utility tradeoff, we identify privacy and utility metrics and threat models suited to signal strength measurements. We then obfuscate the measurements using several preeminent techniques, spanning differential privacy, generative adversarial privacy, and information-theoretic privacy techniques, in order to benchmark a variety of promising obfuscation approaches and provide guidance to real-world engineers who are tasked to build signal maps that protect privacy without hurting utility. Our evaluation results, based on multiple, diverse, real-world signal map datasets, demonstrate the feasibility of concurrently achieving adequate privacy and utility, with obfuscation strategies which use the structure and intended use of datasets in their design, and target average-case, rather than worst-case, guarantees.

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