
The article is devoted to the problem of motivation of work in the context of providing a stable positive result in the long-term life of the enterprise. The desire of the employer to constantly maintain the capacity and development of which necessarily leads to a review of incentives for work, a combination of economic instruments of fulfillment the workers' needs with socio-psychological methods of influencing their behavior in the team in accordance with the interests and needs of identified groups of workers at different stages of their professional life. The task of the modern manager is to find his own incentive for each employee, beginning from involvement to a simple social project and ending with the creation of conditions for professional growth and self-realization. Particularly, the emphasis is to be made on positive image and reputation of the enterprise among all market participants, corporate social responsibility and involvement of all employees in participation in the development of the company, becoming the priority factors for the development of the motivation of employees and creating the necessary foundation for sustainable economic development of the enterprise. These aptects strategically provide the development of positive motivation of the staff and determine the relevance, purpose and content of scientific research.

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