
The responsibility of the state cannot maintain the morality of the people, one ofwhich is by providing signs in making trademarks for goods and services. Legalresearch with a philosophical approach to get the meaning of Brand must not conflictwith the prevailing morality in society. A moral brand is a brand that limitssociety which is universal regarding the pros and cons of an act of both ratio andtracendetal involving the goal. How to cite item: Miladiyanto, S., & Ariyanti, A.(2020). Perinsip moralitas merek dalam undang-undang nomor 20 tahun 2016 tentangMerek dan Indikasi Geografis. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum , 11(3).,241-249. doi:10.26905/idjch.v11i2.5022.

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