
Purpose. The principles of the territorial development analysis and planning as their methodological foundations are defined. An actual view on the territorial development is shown in this article. The principles of the territorial development analysis and planning are defined. The territorial development analysis and planning orientation on the territorial community interests and on the new scientific achievements using are proved. Methodology of research. The objectives of the article implemented by using the following research methods: complex and systematic view. Findings. The results of this investigation are the next. First of all, the territorial development is very important for the European countries from the end of the 20th century. The territory is considered to be the base of sustainable development. The principles of the territorial development analysis and planning are determined as the basis of the tasks and possibilities of this analysis and also for its indicator system formation. The principles of the territorial development analysis and planning are the following: orientation on the territorial community interests, scientific orientation, territorial indicator comparison, efficiency, complex and systematic view, persistence, partnership, ground and objectiveness. Thus the territorial development analysis and planning are orientated on the new scientific achievements using. They are grounded on the complex and systematic view as far as the territory is the social, economic and ecological system and needs to use the indicator system to research the all aspects of its development. Practical value. This results allow improve the analytic and planning work, systematize data, account the local features and at last – to ensure the high quality of decisions on the local and on the regional level. Keywords: sustainable development, territorial development analysis and planning, territorial community, analytical and planning principles, analytical and planning methodology, indicator system. REFERENCES 1. Melnyk, L. G. (2003). Fundamentalnyye osnovy razvitiya [Fundamental bases of development]. Sumy : Universytetska knyha [in Russian]. 2. Zalutskyi, I. R. (2010). Silski terytorii yak obiekt rozvytku: pytannia unormuvannia sutnosti poniattia [The country territories as development object: the notion essence definition]. Regionalna ekonomika – Regional economics, 4, 33–40 [in Ukrainian]. 3. Kuibida, V. S., Negoda, V. A. & Tolkovanov, V. V. (2009). 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