
All numbers presented here are based on data drawn from this journal's Recently Published and Music Received columns. Books and scores reviewed in Notes and imprints before 2013 are not included in the 2015 figures. No distinction is made between paperback and hardback editions, or between volumes issued with accompanying materials (CDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) and those without. If prices are available for both paperback and hardback editions, the price of the hardback edition has been used. Likewise, if a book is available in hard copy and as an electronic text, the price of the hard copy has been used. Book and score counts are based on the number of titles rather than the number of volumes. Price trends for books are given as a whole and also by language: English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Out of 531 books from the Recently Published columns in 2015, 531 (100 percent) have been used in calculating this year's price trends. The 2015 figures included 0 books with imprints before 2013 and 0 books without available prices. Broken down by language, the total number of books included in this year's figures is: English 531 of 531 (100 percent) and no books received in French, German, Italian, or Spanish. Data for scores as a whole is given first, followed by six score categories. Categories of scores used in Music Received do not always correspond directly with categories in this column. In those cases, this compiler has placed the score in the most appropriate or closely related category. Music Received columns for 2015 listed 487 scores. Of the 487 scores, 365 (75 percent), met the criterion of having an imprint date of 2013 or later, and were not choral octavos. Prices were available for all scores in this survey. All prices are reported in U.S. dollars and reflect retail prices; they do not reflect discounts or special sale pricing. When given, prices listed in the Music Received columns were used in compiling the data. Prices not given in Notes were obtained from a number of online sources including, but not limited to: Amazon.com and its various international sites (wwrv.amazon.com); Casalini Libri (www.casalini.it); Otto Harrassowitz (www.harrassowitz.de); Theodore Front Musical Literature (www.tfront.com); and individual publishers' sites. Prices were converted to U.S. dollars on 26 February 2016 using the Universal Currency Converter (http://www.xe.com/ucc). Although every effort was made to collect and report data accurately, errors and inconsistencies may exist; please use the data with this in mind. This column is intended to show general trends in pricing of music materials, and should be used only as a guide to collection-development planning. The definitions for the categories are: Monographs: Books that are typically classified in the Library of Congress classification schedule at ML or MT. All books with an imprint date of 2013, or later, whether issued as installments in a publisher's continuation under a distinctive series title or issued individually, are included. Historical and monumental editions: Critical editions of scores usually representing specific ethnic, national, geographical or chronological repertories, or the compositions of a particular individual. These scores are typically classified in the Library of Congress classification schedule at M2, M3, and M3.1. Historical and monumental editions usually appear with critical apparatus, and include facsimile editions not intended primarily for performance. Titles issued with parts or an accompanying volume of critical notes are counted as one item. Large instrumental works: Orchestral works, concertos, wind ensembles, and band music. Full scores present the notation for all the performing forces required by a composition simultaneously, by means of vertical and horizontal alignment and placement upon each page. Multivoice vocal works: Operas, oratorios, choral works, and musicals. …

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