
Summary Based on the method of Thiery, structures reacting with periodate could be detected neither in the lamella cork nor in the filling cork of the inner wall coating of the crystal cells in the bark. These cells, therefore, do not possess a celluloso-pectic tertiary wall layer often mentioned in literature for other objects. Positive reaction is shown for the adjacent celluloso-pectic wall layers and the sieve cell walls. The border between cellulose and cork layers is not specially stained whereas it can be heavily stained by osmium. Therefore, this osmium stain seems to be restricted to the phase boundary of suberin. Even in formaldehyde-fixed, unstained tissue, lamella cork is less electron-transparent than filling cork, but lamellae could not be observed here. Lamellae in osmium-stained cork are found now for Picea as previously for Larix .

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