
Abstract. 1. Protein is important for a foraging animal to consume, as it promotes growth and enhances survival, particularly in web‐building spiders, which need to invest considerable protein into web building and may trade‐off growth for web investment.2. The influence of dietary protein uptake on growth and web investment was tested in the orb web spider Argiope keyserlingi, by feeding them flies reared on three different media: (1) high protein, (2) low protein, and (3) standard (control) media. There was a negative correlation between protein and energy content of the flies across treatments; flies reared on the high protein media had the highest protein, but lowest energy, while flies reared on the low protein media had the lowest protein but highest energy.3. It was found that silk investment and web architecture in A. keyserlingi was not affected by diet. Growth and decoration building were both enhanced when spiders were fed a high protein diet.4. It was concluded that protein intake, rather than energy, influenced both growth and decoration building because: (1) protein intake enhances growth in other animals, (2) protein is essential for silk synthesis, especially aciniform silk, and (3) protein is a limiting factor actively sought by foraging animals in natural environments.

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