
Octopus vulgaris is a species of great interest in research areas such as neurobiology, ethology, and ecology but also a candidate species for aquaculture as a food resource and for alleviating the fishing pressure on its wild populations. This study aimed to characterize the predatory behavior of O. vulgaris paralarvae and to quantify their digestive activity. Those processes were affordable using the video-recording analysis of 3 days post-hatching (dph), mantle-transparent paralarvae feeding on 18 types of live zooplanktonic prey. We show for the first time in a live cephalopod that octopus paralarvae attack, immobilize, drill, and ingest live cladocerans and copepods with 100% efficiency, which decreases dramatically to 60% on decapod prey (Pisidia longicornis). The majority (85%) of successful attacks targeted the prey cephalothorax while unsuccessful attacks either targeted the dorsal cephalothorax or involved prey defensive strategies (e.g., juvenile crab megalopae) or prey protected by thick carapaces (e.g., gammaridae amphipods). After immobilization, the beak, the buccal mass and the radula were involved in exoskeleton penetration and content ingestion. Ingestion time of prey content was rapid for copepods and cladocerans (73.13 ± 23.34 s) but much slower for decapod zoeae and euphausiids (152.49 ± 29.40 s). Total contact time with prey was always <5 min. Contrary to the conventional view of crop filling dynamics observed in adult O. vulgaris, food accumulated first in the stomach of paralarvae and the crop filled after the stomach volume plateaued. Peristaltic crop contractions (~18/min) moved food into the stomach (contractions ~30/min) from where it passed to the caecum. Pigmented food particles were seen to enter the digestive gland, 312 ± 32 s after the crop reached its maximum volume. Digestive tract contents passed into the terminal intestine by peristalsis (contraction frequency ~50/min) and defaecation was accompanied by an increased frequency of mantle contractions. Current results provide novel insights into both, O. vulgaris paralarvae—live prey capture strategies and the physiological mechanisms following ingestion, providing key information required to develop an effective rearing protocol for O. vulgaris paralarvae.


  • Octopus vulgaris is the best known octopod species among Octopodidae (Norman et al, 2014) and one of the most intensively studied species in various animal research areas such as development and growth (e.g., Villanueva and Norman, 2008; Iglesias and Fuentes, 2014), behavior (e.g., Hanlon and Messenger, 1996; Fiorito and Gherardi, 1999), and neuroscience

  • Paralarvae exposed to wild zooplankton captured diverse prey including cladocerans (Podon intermedius), copepods (Acartia clausii, Temora longicornis, and Centropages sp.), zoeae of Carcinus maenas and Pisidia longicornis as well as zoeae of the decapod families Crangonidae, Hippolytidae, Paguridae, Palaemonidae, and Processidae (Table 1)

  • Copepods showed continuous swimming and sudden direction changes; zoeae (C. maenas, C. pagurus, and Maja brachydactyla) showed rhythmic swimming, increased frequency of abdominal flexion and high speed spinning (Video, from start to second 17; Supplementary Material). Megalopae used their chelipeds as a defensive tool (Video, from second 17 to second 33; Supplementary Material)

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Octopus vulgaris is the best known octopod species among Octopodidae (Norman et al, 2014) and one of the most intensively studied species in various animal research areas such as development and growth (e.g., Villanueva and Norman, 2008; Iglesias and Fuentes, 2014), behavior (e.g., Hanlon and Messenger, 1996; Fiorito and Gherardi, 1999), and neuroscience (for a review see Fiorito et al, 2014). Massive mortality during the paralarval stage is one of the major bottlenecks to the successful rearing of the common octopus. Such mortality is believed to be caused by our deficient knowledge of early nutritional requirements (Iglesias and Fuentes, 2014; Navarro et al, 2014; Vidal et al, 2014). The zootechnical advances in paralarvae growth will facilitate the provision of captive bred animals for a variety of research studies. The latter may become important as European Union Directive 2010/63/EU (European Parliament Council of the European Union, 2010) prohibits the use of animals taken from the wild unless this can be scientifically justified (Article 9)

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