
In this article, a comparative legal and empirical study of the principle of good faith in law and the prevention of abuse of procedural rights as one of its element are conducted. These phenomena should be recognized as relevant objects for research, given that in civil procedural Ukraine specific measures were taken to prevent abuse of procedural rights for the first time, during the reform of the legislation in 2017, and unfortunately such actions occur as a habits of legal reality of Ukraine. in court practice quite often. Given the need to ensure effective protection of rights through timely and proportionate consideration of the case by the courts, their proper application is essential for science and practice. The article analyzes the provisions of the civil procedural law of Ukraine, where for the first time this institute was reflected in the legislation in the wording of 2017, as well as other states (Italy, England and Wales, France, Australia). It also analyzed the practice of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, which reveals the concept of bona fide as a principle of law, as well as examines the institute of abuse of procedural rights as one of the manifestations of implementation of this principle, specific manifestations of unfair behavior of participants of the process, taking into account the practice of the European Court of Human Rights. The analyzed provisions of the civil procedural legislation, which stipulates the ways of overcoming the abuse of procedural rights, as well as the doctrines, allowed the conclusions to substantiate more rational approaches to the prevention of abuse of procedural rights in civil proceedings. In particular, ensuring the cooperation of judges and parties and defining their roles not from the standpoint of antagonistic approaches, but based on the ideas of sustainable development, will overcome the major pressing problems of modern civil justice. The introduction of rational measures to prevent abuse of procedural rights and to encourage parties to act in good faith will ensure the efficiency and accessibility of justice. Keywords: civil justice, principle of good faith, the principle of court cooperation with the parties, abuse of procedural rights, reconciliation of the parties.

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