
Information on the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) or possible/probable bruxism in seniors is heterogeneous and sparse. To elucidate the prevalence of TMD and possible/probable bruxism in German adults aged 60 years and older. Participants of the Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study of Adult Development and Aging (ILSE) born between 1950-1952 (C1) and 1930-1932 (C2) were examined in 2014-2016 (fourth wave). The participants were surveyed and clinically examined by one calibrated examiner. Two questions of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) were utilised to evaluate self-reported bruxism. The clinical examination included signs of probable bruxism and the RDC/TMD examination protocol. Data from 191 participants were available. No RDC/TMD diagnosis was made in 83.2%. Of the participants, 15.2% received a single diagnosis and 1.6% multiple diagnoses that included disc displacements (9.4%) and degenerative joint diseases (8.9%). A total of 24.7% reported bruxism that included self-reported awake bruxism in 11.9% and sleep bruxism in 16.2%. Wear was clinically identified in 27.2% of the participants. No sex-related differences were observed. Significant differences were detected for probable bruxism between C1 (14.1%) and C2 (54.3%). In the German population aged 60 years and older, the prevalence of TMD is 16.8%. TMD is characterised by temporomandibular joint disorders, including disc displacements and degenerative joint disorders. Bruxism was observed in a quarter of the old population.

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