
Helminthic contamination of fresh vegetables is common. 116 samples of Coriandrum sativum was processed by Baermann funnel method for recovering Strongyloides stercoralis larvae which were identified by their morphology. The prevalence rate of contamination with larvae was found out. Out of 116 samples, 73 (63%) samples were harboring the parasites and 43 (37%) samples had no larvae. Among 73 positive samples, 25 samples contained rhabdatiform larvae, 12 contained filariform larvae, and 36 contained both types of larvae. 63% prevalence rate of contamination of Coriandrum sativum in Karimnagar is the definite risk factor for acquiring infection by farm workers, handlers, transporters, and consumers of this vegetable. This high prevalence of larvae acts as an environmental source of the parasite; especially the infective filariform forms constituting 65% of the contaminated samples. Larvae can spread from the source through direct contact while handling the vegetable, necessitating estimation of asymptomatically infected persons and burden of the parasitic infestation.

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