This study was carried out to detect house dust mites in houses and to investigate group 1 antigens of Dermatophagoid species in Ordu, Giresun, Trabzon and Rize provinces of the Central and Eastern Black Sea Region. Dust samples obtained from the beds were subjected to both microscopic and antigenic examination. Samples prepared by the lactic acid method for microscopic examination were evaluated under a light microscope. Antigenic analysis was performed by investigating Der p 1 and Der f 1 belonging to D. pteronyssinus and D. farinae by ELISA test. 90.3% of the dust samples were evaluated positive by microscopic examination (10x, 40x) and 149 mites were detected. D. pteronyssinus 74%, D. farinae 13%, Dermatophagoides spp. growth forms 5%, Cheyletus spp. 1%, E. maynei 1%, C. arcuatus 1%, T. putrescentiae 1%, L. destructor 1% and unidentified mites were detected at the rate of 3% respectively. Der p 1 antigen was detected in 93% and Der f 1 antigen in 84.7%. The highest amount of antigen detected in one gram of powder was 1,272 μg for Der p 1 and 0,482 μg for Der f 1. No difference was observed between mite species and distribution in the provinces where the study was conducted (p<0.05). Dermatophagoides were found in 93% of the population. The low (4%) rate of storage/food mites is related to the fact that samples were not taken from the floors. Antigen accumulation may be important in the beds since the activity of the mites is observed throughout the year in temperate and humid regions. It is thought that this diagnosis method can be used and can be taken into account in terms of the environments in which sensitive people live.
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