
A total of ninety four (94) fresh faecal samples of baboons (Papio anubis), Warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) and Waterbucks (Kubus deffasa) were collected from different strategic locations within Yankari Game Reserve in August, 2008. Samples were collected in sterilized specimen bottles containing 4% formalin and analyzed by simple floatation, sedimentation and concentration Mc master techniques. The sixty (63) fecal samples of baboons examined; 7(11.11%) had intestinal parasites, comprises of 260 (54.1%) metastrongylus eggs, 180 (37.50%) eggs of mites and 40 (8.33) of adult mites. A total of Seven 7 (28%) of the twenty five (25) fecal samples of warthogs had parasites which comprised of 4960 (98.0%) eggs of hyostrongylus eggs and 100 (2.0%) of monizia eggs. Only 2(33.3%) of the six (6) fecal samples of waterbucks had Hystrongylus eggs 180(1.1%).The infection rate was significantly higher (p<0.05) among Warthogs (98%) fallowed by Baboons (54.1%) and the least Waterbucks (1.1%). Exposure to posture may be the predisposing factor responsible for the prevalence rate recorded in the study area. This may posed a potential danger to visitors in Yankari Game Reserve and other wild animals. Implementation of control policy of helminthes parasites in the Reserve will reducethe prevalence of helminthes diseases.Key words: Baboon, Intestinal parasites, Waterbuck, Warthog, Yankari Game Reserve

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