
Background and Objectives: Obesity is a leading factor resulting in many health problem of which childhood obesity due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle is not uncommon. Obesity and foot deformities are closely linked to each other as the foot is the main support of body weight and the body weight need to be evenly distributed around the body. Increase in the body weight may increase the loading forces on the foot this in turn may alter the foot posture. This repetitive loading forces on the foot may give rise to the foot deformities. This study was conducted to find out functional foot deformities in obese school going children. Method: A total of 75 subjects in between age group of 12-15 years were allocated in obese group according to their BMI to assess the presence of functional foot deformities respectively. Each subject was assessed using foot posture index and scored according to the components. The outcome measure included six components and each was assessed and scored according to appropriate values. The score was taken for both right and left foot. Result: The results showed that all the components of foot posture index that is Talar head palpation, curves above and below the malleolus, inversion/eversion of calcaneus, prominence in the region of TNJ,congruence of medial longitudinal arch and abduction/adduction of forefoot on rearfoot are significant in obese children. Conclusion: It was concluded that there is presence of functional foot deformities in obese school going children both in right and left foot.

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