
65 stool samples were analyzed for insulation, identification and multiresistant bacteria becoming from infant aged less than two years of the pediatric ward of Khalil Amrane Hospital-Bejaia. The study of antibiotic administration by type, revealed that amoxicillin was the most commonly administered antibiotic with a rate of (33.33%) followed by gentamicin at (20.43%) and ampicillin at (17.20%). As well, the distribution of antibiotics administered by family and group revealed the predominance of B-Lactamines with a percentage of (72.04%) of which the group of penicillins of group A is predominant (50.54%). The identifications and antibiotic susceptibility tests of the various isolated pathogenic strains were carried out. From all samples, 35 bacterial isolates were identified by macroscopic, microscopic observations, and physiological and biochemical tests. According to which it can be seen clearly that the most frequent species isolated was Clostridium perfringens with 12 (34.28%) isolates. Followed, by Escherichia coli with 11 (31.43%) isolates. Enterobacter sp were represented by 8 (22.86%) isolates. The least frequent species was Staphylococcus aureus with 4 (11.83%) isolates. Furthermore, antibiogram method showed that all bacteria tested were multiresistant to 1 to 6 antibiotics.

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