
We report on temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility and Mössbauer effect studies ofthe influence of hydrostatic pressure (up to 1.2 GPa) on dynamic electronic structurephenomena in 3d transition metal coordination compounds. The systems under investigationare mononuclear spin crossover compounds of iron (II) and chromium (II), dinuclear complexesof iron (II) exhibiting coexistence of intramolecular antiferromagnetic coupling and thermalspin crossover, 1D, 2D and 3D polynuclear spin crossover complexes of iron (II), a valencetautomeric system of cobalt (II) showing a thermal transition from a high spin[CoII (semiquinone)]to a low spin [CoII (catecholate)] species on lowering the temperature and a photomagnetically active Prussianblue type system with temperature- and pressure induced electron transfer. It isdemonstrated that pressure effect studies can be very helpful in elucidating themechanisms and cooperative interactions of solid state compounds with electronicbistability.

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