
Collection characteristics of mist aerosol particles by a medium-performance fibrous filter was studied by analyzing the effect of filtration velocity, numbers of filter, types of liquid with different physical properties (palm oil and propylene glycol) during the initial filtration period and the saturation behavior. The results show that the pressure drop evolutions during clogging increases when the filtration velocity increases because at high filtration velocity, the aerosol particles deposit on the collecting surface rapidly. Furthermore, the change in pressure drop increases with increasing numbers of filter. Particle size, concentration, viscosity and surface tension of the liquids have an influence on clogging. The deposition of palm oil aerosol particles is only made up of droplets deposited around the fibers while in the case of propylene glycol the droplets deposited around the fiber join to form bridges and liquid films on the surface of the filter so that the fibrous filter that is exposed to propylene glycol aerosol has a higher pressure drop. The result of saturation behavior study shows that the saturation pressure drop from the lower initial velocity is greater than that from the higher initial velocity. The retained mass on the filter sheet saturated with palm oil after the pressure drop is constant is higher than in the case of propylene glycol. Palm oil is more viscous than propylene glycol so that palm oil cannot re-entrain easily.


  • Mist aerosol particles can be generated in several industrial production processes including chemical production, mechanical atomization, evaporation-condensation, entrainment by the gas flow in liquid-gas contactors, and other processes (Frising et al., 2005)

  • The average concentration of propylene glycol is higher than that of palm oil because propylene glycol is less viscous than palm oil and is easier to be atomized by the Laskin nozzle

  • The average concentration of propylene glycol is higher than that of palm oil for identical operating condition because propylene glycol is less viscous than palm oil and, easier to be atomized by the Laskin nozzle

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Mist aerosol particles can be generated in several industrial production processes including chemical production, mechanical atomization, evaporation-condensation, entrainment by the gas flow in liquid-gas contactors, and other processes (Frising et al., 2005). For safety and health reasons it is necessary to remove these mist aerosol particles. Filtration is the most common method for removing aerosols as it is simple, versatile and economical (Hinds, 1999). Fibrous filtration is the most common means used to separate liquid aerosol particles from both industrial and household gas streams. Fibrous filters are economically the most interesting filtration technology since they are both effective and simple to use. Some attempts have been conducted to investigate the behavior of various filter materials used to remove liquid aerosols. The behavior of fibrous filters with liquid particle loading is largely different from that with solid particle loading. When loaded with solid aerosols, dendrites are formed, and when loaded with liquid aerosols, bridges are formed (Walsh et al, 1996)

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