
The gallbladder bile of red sea bream Pagrus major was analyzed by TLC and HPLC.TLC pattern shows only one blue band and some yellow bands. Pigments extracted from blue band were analyzed by HPLC. Two peaks appeared. Judging from the absorbance at 365 and 436 nm and the retention time, the pigment in first minor peak may be bilirubin diglu-curonide. The retention time of second major peak was equal to that of biliverdin IXα. The blue pigment in second peak was reduced with NaBH4 and analyzed by HPLC. The retention time of reduced pigment was same as that of bilirubin IXα. The blue pigment was methylated with BF3-methanol and analyzed by HPLC. The retention times of methylated pigment and biliverdin IXα dimethylester were the same. These results indicate that the blue pigment is biliverdin IXα and only biliverdin IXα exists as verdinoids in the bile of red sea bream.

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