
Objective: The aim of current research was to highlight the abilities of patients tounderstand and follow prescription. Study design: Cross sectional study. Setting: District HeadQuarter (DHQ) hospital Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan. Duration: Data was collected betweenApril to June, 2015. Methods: Study was conducted by well-trained pharmacists regardingprescription understanding and following. A well structured questionnaire was designed to gatherinformation from 150 patients that comprised of questions based on all factors to be evaluated forprescription understanding and following. Results: The findings of this critique reveal that, 30%of patients understood instructions given on prescription where as, 12% of patients were able tocomprehend physicians writing and 23% were those who even didn’t understand prescriptionabbreviations. Similarly, correct method of drug administration, compliance with frequencyof dose and dosage form and accurate dose intake were acknowledged by 66%, 65%, 73%and 80% patients, respectively while, 28% patients were able to make clear understandingwith precautions written on prescription. However, 20% of patients reported that medicineshave disturbed their routine life, 29% recognized their dependency on prescribed medications,22% consulted with a third person for prescription interpretation, 36% reduced their dose tohalf due to side effects, 35% stated that prescribed brands were available to them and 65%missed their doses due to high cost of brands. Moreover, 76% patients showed consciousnessregarding value of therapy and only 31% patients acknowledged that prescribed brandswere economical. Conclusion: There is a lot of room for improvement in factors related toprescription understanding and following. Enhanced literacy rate, generic prescribing practicesand cost-effectiveness should be considered for prescription consideration. Most importantfrom Pakistan’s point of view, role of pharmacist should be implemented in every health sectorof country to mimic most of prescription related problems.

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