
Fifty-seven Finn, Suffolk or Finn-Suffolk ewe lambs were used to study the relationships between prepubertal LH levels, measured at intervals between 2 and 10 wk of age, ovulation rate and litter size, both within and between genetic types. The most prolific group of ewes (Finn) did not have consistently higher mean levels of LH than the two other genetic groups possibly because the relationship between LH and number of ovulations among breeds may be age-dependent. On the other hand, within each genetic group, mean LH levels were generally higher in more prolific ewe lambs: small differences were observed up to 6 wk of age. These results show that early mean prepubertal LH concentration alone is not a precise indicator of future reproductive performance. Key words: Prepubertal plasma LH, ovulation rate, prolificacy, breed differences, ewes

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