
AbstractGraft copolymerization of isoprene (IP) and acrylonitrile (AN) onto gelatinized starch (S) and cationic starch having quaternary amine functionality through cerium(IV) initiation gave grafted side chains of poly(IP–co–AN). Grafts of various compositions are obtained by controlling the amounts and ratios of monomers added to starch. IP alone does not homograft onto gelatinized starch at 25° or 50°C by cerium(IV) initiation and requires the presence of an “initiator–monomer” such as AN to obtain copolymer side chains. Although cografting of IP and AN onto starch depends on AN to initiate radical chains, the ratio employed of the two monomers is critical for graft polymerization to occur. For example, at a molar ratio of IP to AN of 1 or greater, little polymer was produced; at molar ratios in the range of 0.4 to 0.67, considerable amounts of polymer were produced; and at a molar ratio of 0.13 or less, polymerization of AN was greatly retarded. Concentration of HNO3 in the cerium(IV) reagent and reaction temperature also influence the grafting reaction. Lower HNO3 concentrations favor grafting at 50°C, while higher acid concentrations favor grafting at 25°C. Starch graft reaction mixtures were sonified at 20 kHz to form latexes that air dry to clear pliable films. Poly(IP–co–AN) obtained by acid hydrolysis of the starch portion of the grafts failed to dissolve in either dimethylformamide or benzene, thus indicating presence of crosslinks. S–g–poly(IP–co–AN), having about one third starch and grafted side chains averaging about 2 parts polymerized IP per part of polymerized AN, was masticated on steel rolls at 100°C to a tough pliable film which was subsequently vulcanized to a rubber.

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