
The leading ideas of profile educat ion at the junct ion of high and general school pedagogy and peculiarit ies of t raining pedagogical shot in Kazakhst an for it s implem ent at ion in t he t ransit ion t o 12 - year educat ion are considered in t he art icle. Profile educat ion is a means of different iat ion and individualizat ion of learning, allowing t aking int o account changes in t h e st ruct ure, cont ent and organizat ion of the educat ional process, more fully consider t he int erest s, apt it udes and abilit ies of st udent s, t o creat e condit ions for the pupils according t o their professional int erest s and int ent ions to cont inue educat ion. T he purpose of profile educat ion in the schools of Kazakhst an is to creat e condit ions for t he development and implement at ion of individual educat ional programs for senior school pupils. T he purpose of t he present st udy is t o present t heoret ical just ificat ion and pract ical check of struct ure and the cont ent of preparat ion of fut ure t eachers t o the organizat ion of profile t raining in 12-year school in Kazakhst an.

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