
In a paper to Section I of the Eleventh International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, J. T. Kendall and D. Yeo described the preparation of pure silicon carbide by passing the vapours of silicon-organic compounds over a heated carbon filament; the product they obtained was bright yellow in colour and it was not found possible to prepare colourless specimens by this method. On theoretical grounds it would be expected that pure silicon carbide should be colourless and, according to H. Moissan1, carborundum free from traces of iron is without colour; he obtained almost colourless, prismatic needles of carbon suicide by allowing the vapours of carbon and silicon to react with one another. In view of current ideas on the part played by impurities in determining the electrical properties of semi-conductors, it is of interest to record another and simpler method by which colourless carborundum can be prepared.

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