
In article are considered approaches to the overcoming problem resolution of regional inequality, the accruing territorial differentiation and disintegration, which becomes the primary factor, which is slowing down social and economic development of the country. The main factors promoting regional convergence development in the instable world and domestic economy conditions, adverse external environment, economic sanctions of the western countries are investigated. The relevance of forming of the convergent strategy development of regions directed at overcoming of territorial disintegration and a regional inequality is proved. The essence and a role of convergence of social and economic systems are revealed; hypotheses of convergence and divergence are investigated. The conclusion that strategy of convergent development can play consolidating and stabilizing factor role, means of ensuring of social and economic stability, increase of competitiveness and economic safety in regions in medium-term and long-term perspectives is drawn. Based on the analysis of essence, the principle, types and the main mechanisms of convergence are revealed and characterized; a set of the managerial measures promoting the convergent development of the Russian regions is defined. It is proved that the main premises, convergence regions engines in modern conditions are transport and construction, which promote most mobility of major factors of production, attraction of qualitative labor power, increase of investment appeal of the region. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s4p191

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