
Abstract — This paper discusses about the findings of preliminary survey on MATLAB software learning among power electronics students. One of the main focuses of power electronics course is on DC to DC boost convertors, because boost convertors are generally used in different industrial and non industrial applications. Population samples of this study were randomly selected final year bachelor of electronics and electrical engineering students from University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).As per the results from the survey questioner analysis, almost eighty percent students are facing problem and difficulties in Dc to Dc boost convertors experimental understanding without using MATLAB simulink package. As per finding of this study it is clear that MATLAB play an effective and efficient function for better understanding of boost convertors experimental work among power electronics learners. Keywords — MATLAB, Simulation, Power Electronics, Experimental Work.I. I NTRODUCTION OWER electronics is, by nature, a multi-disciplinary subject, and for any instructor a challenging course to teach. It is especially demanding course because of variety of topics, such as circuit analysis, signals and systems analysis, and control theory. It is a combination of hands-on experience and solid knowledge of theory provides an active learning environment that leads to successful learning and understanding process. The use of simulation has always been a powerful tool for technology in all its various fields of application. Power Electronics course is essential for electrical and electronics engineers and it is included in the undergraduate and Postgraduate syllabus. An effective power electronics laboratory is expected to combine theoretical and experimental aspects of the topics by using state-of-the-art software/ hardware tools. Sometime during experiment students face many problems in understanding of the procedure of experiment. For them simulation based demonstration of

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