
There have been few studies on the hydropower exploitation plan for sections beyond the Inga hydropower project (HPP) in the lower reaches of the Congo River. Based on topographic and hydrological data of the basin, the exploitation plan for the lower reaches of the Congo River is herein studied. The preliminary proposal involves exploitation using three- cascade hydropower stations. The Grand Inga HPP is the core of the mega hydropower base. The full supply level (FSL) of the reservoir, installed capacity, and regulation performance of the Grand Inga HPP are studied in detail. The main advantages and disadvantages of the high and low dam schemes of the Grand Inga Hydropower Project are compared, in addition to their effects on the overall development of the hydropower base. Moreover, the installed capacity is optimized based on the load characteristics. Based on simulation of cascade hydropower operation and comprehensive analysis, the project scale and implementation sequence is proposed. The influence of hydropower on socio-economic development, energy supply, and emission reduction is analyzed. Finally, the optimal exploitation scheme of the mega hydropower base for the lower reaches of the Congo River is proposed.

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