
In 1945 GilP published the first report on the use of preparations of hog intestine in the treatment of chronic ulcerative colitis. He introduced this form of therapy on the basis of the theory that ulcerative colitis might be a deficiency disease and that the deficient factor might be contained in the intestines. Gill reported on 10 cases treated with either raw pig's small intestine or a desiccated and defatted preparation of pig's small intestinal mucosa. Seven of these 10 cases showed marked symptomatic improvement within one month after beginning treatment with decrease in the number of bowel movements per day, disappearance of blood from the stools and subsidence of pain. Several of the patients who were benefited by the treatment were observed to develop an exacerbation when the administration of the intestinal powder was stopped and to undergo remission again with resumption of the medication. This cycle was repeated several times in two of the patients. In a subsequent report Gill2 stated that this therapy was continuing to show beneficial effects. Friedman3 has recently reported favorable results with the feeding of extracts of hog intestine in patients with ulcerative colitis. Ehrlich4 fed extract of hog stomach and claimed excellent results. The present study was prompted by Gill's report.

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