
Objective: To identify preferred solutions – therapy - for over- weight and obesity in older adults and seniors Participants: Atotal of 110 respondents were contacted, out of which 14 refused to cooperate or filled in the questionnaire incor- rectly. The return of questionnaires was 96, i.e. 100%. The group of respondents consisted of individuals of both sexes, aged 50 and over, living in anatural social environment or in one of the se- lected institutions. Due to the fact that - in our opinion - arela- tively large amount of attention is paid to the senior age group while the group of people in the age range of 50-64 is forgotten, we have not chosen the senior age respondents exclusively. Methods: The data obtained by the processing of the question- naires were analytically evaluated. For statistical processing apro- gram StatisticaCz version 9 was chosen, adescriptive analysis of the data was performed, followed by analysis by comparing av- erages and particular tests of statistical significance (Chi-square test, Kruskal Wallis, KendalovoTau). Results: An adjustment of the diet as apart of the solution of the overweight and obesity therapy would be chosen by the most re- spondents, 75 (46.5%) of them. 44 (27.0%) respondents would choose sport or other physical activity. 11 (6.7%) respondents would deal with overweight and obesity pharmacologically - with the help of medications, and only 25 (15.3%) respondents would choose surgery as away of dealing with overweight and obesity. On the contrary, only 8 (4.9%) respondents were not interested in dealing with the weight gain. 24 (25.0%) respondents would choose the surgical way of solving obesity. Ananswer“possibly yes”was chosen by13 (13.5%) respondents. 21 (21.9%) individu- als inclined to the “rather not” variant. 33 (34.4%) respondents chose the “certainly not”answer. An answer“I don't know” was chosen by 5 (5.2%) respondents. Conclusion:Obesity is aglobal social problem which is not to be solved just in healthcare and it is certainly not an issue of an individual.

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