
Halophiles are organisms, and their viruses, adapted to thriving and reproducing in high salt concentrations, representatives of which can be found in all domains of life. To flourish in these environments, an individual must overcome many obstacles including high osmotic pressure, low water availability, high and low pH conditions, high temperatures, and high cell densities that enforce stiff competition for limited resources due to the low solubility of gasses and other nutrients. Therefore, all halophiles can be considered poly-extremophiles. These interesting life forms do not cause infectious diseases or cancer, impact human lifestyles or infect our food supply. So why study them? Often halophiles are studied because the salty environment is a model system for uncovering basic principles of microbial life. This extreme environment selects against any organism not able to cope with high salt, which reduces the overall community structure and function. The expectation is that this decrease in complexity allows for more easily achieved insights into fundamental microbial adaptations, and ecological, biogeochemical and evolutionary processes. Because the extreme hypersaline environments are limited to only microbial life, the habitat is analogous to that which existed on Earth before the Cambrian Explosion. Thus investigations of hypersaline habitats can deliver insight into the longest epoch of life. Modern microbial mats growing in hypersaline habitats are similar in structure to ancient stromatolites found in the Precambrian fossil record. Related to this is the search for life in the cosmos: the long period of dominant microbial life on Earth suggests a higher likelihood of finding microbial life on another world than finding advanced life, sentient beings, or even trees. Additionally, the adaptations required for life in high salt can produce enzymes that are interesting for biotechnology, industrial processes, and bioremediation. Every 3 years since the late 1970s halophile researchers who focus on microbial life in hypersaline environments have gathered to present their latest exciting research to like-minded souls. This eBook is a compendium of research written by many of the presenters at Halophiles 2013, the international congress held at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, CT (to view all of the conference oral and poster presentation abstracts, please visit https://www.regonline.com/custImages/250000/250066/Halophiles2013Program_final.pdf). Its range of subject matter is extensive reflecting the 4-day event, and the breadth of research interests. To address this diversity of topics, the chapters are arranged into slightly narrower areas of research interests, but even within these defined partitions the reader will find a wide range of interesting research. Here, we explore the world of halophiles.


  • Halophiles are organisms, and their viruses, adapted to thriving and reproducing in high salt concentrations, representatives of which can be found in all domains of life

  • Why study them? Often halophiles are studied because the salty environment is a model system for uncovering basic principles of microbial life

  • This extreme environment selects against any organism not able to cope with high salt, which reduces the overall community structure and function

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Halophiles are organisms, and their viruses, adapted to thriving and reproducing in high salt concentrations, representatives of which can be found in all domains of life. Often halophiles are studied because the salty environment is a model system for uncovering basic principles of microbial life This extreme environment selects against any organism not able to cope with high salt, which reduces the overall community structure and function. Grotzinger et al (2014) used cell sorting followed by whole genome amplification from single cells and genome sequencing to examine communities that live in hypersaline pools existing at the bottom of the Red Sea They were interested in discovering genes from halophiles that might be of commercial value (e.g., hydrolases, dehydrogenases). Perhaps it is not surprising that these viruses are highly adapted to their hosts as their DNA G + C percentage is very high, like that of their hosts It appears they have much in common with their bacterial counterparts including genome content and organization, and similar capsid architecture and assembly. As no growth or conidia germination was detected in media without salt, and optimum growth was determined to be around 10%, these fungal strains were considered truly halophilic

Adaptations and Metabolism
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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