
Abstract In May and June of 2016 the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), IUPAC and the ACS CHED Committee on Computers in Chemical Education (CCCE) collaboratively ran an online conference hosted with the online ConfChem conference system on “Science, Disarmament and Diplomacy in Chemical Education.” This ConfChem Online Conference was designed to highlight the work of the OPCW and the important contribution of scientists and educators to achieving its goals, the science that underpins the Chemical Weapons Convention, and how scientific and technological advances will help to better implement the Convention in the future. The OPCW is the implementing body for Chemical Weapons Convention, an international disarmament treaty banning chemical weapons. The organisation is now approaching the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1997. Twenty years that have seen the destruction of more than 67 000 metric ton of the world’s declared military stockpiles of chemical weapons and a Nobel Peace Prize in 2013. With 192 States Parties (the governments that have agreed to uphold the norms and obligations required by the treaty), the Chemical Weapons Convention is the most widely subscribed disarmament treaty in history. Despite the aforementioned successes, the OPCW is not widely recognized outside disarmament-focused diplomatic circles. This is in spite of the fact that the science of chemistry played a critical role in informing the negotiations that lead to the signing of the Chemical Weapons Convention, and underpinning the articles of implementation. Science represents an important dimension in international disarmament policy and diplomacy, requiring that organizations like the OPCW interact with the scientific communities – especially in the field of chemistry. In order to achieve its goals in the future, the OPCW will need to reach out to new stakeholders and strengthen its ties with its existing partners. To this end, the OPCW has been placing increasing priority on education and engagement to raise awareness of its work and the contributions both from and to science in chemical disarmament. The objective of this internationally open access ConfChem online conference was to bring forth educational material that could usefully introduce chemistry educators and students to the nexus of science and multilateral diplomacy in chemical disarmament. To this end, we introduce the seven papers of the ConfChem and their authors. We hope you enjoy this collection of papers at the intersection of science and international disarmament policy. A collection that looks to stimulate interest in the role of scientists and educators, especially chemists in making the world a safer place.

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