
He, Y., DeSutter, T., Hopkins, D., Jia, X. and Wysocki, D. A. 2013. Predicting EC e of the saturated paste extract from value of EC 1:5 . Can. J. Soil Sci. 93: 585–594. Many laboratories appraise soil salinity from measurement of electrical conductivity of 1:5 soil to water extract (EC1:5) due to its simplicity. However, the influence of salinity on plant growth is mainly based on electrical conductivity of saturated paste extract (ECe), so it is necessary to convert EC1:5 to ECe in order to assess plant response. The objectives of this research were to develop models relating EC1:5 and ECe under four different 1:5 equilibration methods: (1) shaking, (2) shaking plus centrifuging, (3) stirring, and (4) a United States Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service (2011) equilibration method. One hundred soil samples, which were all derived from glacial parent materials in North Dakota, USA, were selected for this study. Non-transformed, non-transformed separated, ln-transformed, and exp...

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