
Reef-building corals rely on intracellular algal symbionts to meet energetic demands. Increasing extreme weather driven by climate change often leads to disruption of this symbiosis and to coral death. Corals can better withstand stress after previous exposure to sublethal conditions, but the mechanisms for this resilience remain unclear. Here, we show that a three-day thermal preconditioning increases tolerance of acute heat stress through modulations in cell death pathways in the stony coral Pocillopora acuta. In preconditioned corals, the ratio of pro-survival (pa-Bcl-2 and pa-BI-1) to pro-death (pa-BAK and pa-BAX) gene expression increased and the corals underwent significantly less bleaching. When treated with Bcl-2 inhibitor, corals lost the improved thermal tolerance, suggesting an important role of programmed cell death in coral bleaching and acclimatization. During heat stress, the activity of acid phosphatase increased but caspase-3 did not, suggesting the involvement of autophagy/symbiophagy rather than apoptosis in this process. A similar shift in gene expression also occurs in thermally stressed corals that have been exposed to naturally higher temperatures during summer thermal maxima in Kāne'ohe Bay, Hawai'i, suggesting that corals can increase their resilience to realistic warming events during high-risk periods through alterations in cell signalling. These data suggest that programmed cell death pathways underly coral acclimatization and resilience and may be important for coral reef conservation and management.

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