
A discrete sensitivity analysis algorithm had previously been developed and applied to two-dimensional aerodynamic optimization problems, where the computational domains were discretized by using single grids. The sparse, unsymmetric systems of linear equations resulting from this algorithm were solved by a direct matrix inversion matrix. However, for large two-dimensional problems and, practically, all three-dimensional problems, direct inversion methods become inapplicable, primarily due to the prohibitive computer storage needed. In an attempt to alleviate such hindrances, the sensitivity analysis with domain decomposition (SADD) scheme was developed. This scheme divides the computational domain into smaller and nonoverlapping subdomains (multiblock grids) that are solved separately. Then, the final solution is constructed from the subdomain solutions. As the number of grid points in the interface boundaries of the subdomains becomes large, the computer memory required to store the effective coefficient matrix of these interface points starts to increase. Presented in this Technical Note is a preconditioned iterative procedure to overcome this particular problem.

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