
The food chain continuum `from farm to fork` should be managed to provide the appropriate level of consumer protection. Healthy animals are the essential precondition for obtaining a safe food supply. A science-based risk assessment includes the information about prevalence and concentration of major public health hazards of zoonotic origin (Salmonella, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia, Verotoxin-producing E. coli/VTEC) and chemical contaminants (residues of veterinary drugs, dioxins, mycotoxins) in all modules along the food (meat) chain: farm-transport-slaughterhouse-meat processing-distribution-retailconsumers. The effective monitoring of biological or behavioural symptoms related to animal health and welfare can be achieved by Precision Livestock Farming (PLF). PLF emerged as a farm management approach based on information and communication technology (ICT). It can enable the early disease detection system using electronic information transfer from biosensors, in optimising animal health, production and management processes on farm. PLF can deliver added value to the integrated meat safety assurance system (MSAS) by providing real-time evidence of animal health and welfare status. This will strengthen understanding of all three major aspects of MSAS that must be monitored: biological hazards (farm-slaughterhouse continuum), animal health and welfare (Food Chain Information (FCI) quality and flow), and contaminants (prioritisation in monitoring based on FCI information).

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