
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes 1 Sandra Laugier, Pascale Molinier, Patricia Paperman, Qu'est-ce que le care ? souci des autres, sensibilité, responsabilité (Paris: Payot, 2009), p.39. 2 It is based on interviews done for my Phd thesis, ‘Collective practices: creativity and care’, using the future archive method. Unless otherwise stated, all interviewees are female and in their 30s. See also http://futurearchive.org/static/fa-archive-index.html 3 See the Coventry Industrial Relations Research Unit's work on young people and precarious employment, particularly this list of papers < http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/wbs/research/irru/ywesrc/seminar1/sem1papers/> [02/01/2012]. 4 See Rachel Williams, ‘700,000 children acting as carers, survey shows’, Guardian, 16 November 2010 < http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/nov/16/children-carers-survey> [17/11/2010]. 5 See this anonymous article reporting the birth of ‘Toma la familia’ < http://www.diagonalperiodico.net/En-esta-familia-cabe-mas-gente.html>[22/10/2010]. 6 For some background on Spanish neoconservative and catholic family discourses, see: Izaskun Sánchez Aroca, ‘Recetas antieleccion para salir de la crisis’ in Periodico Diagonal (24 May 2012) < http://www.diagonalperiodico.net/Recetas-antieleccion-para-salir-de.html> [29/05/2012]. 7 As the Rajoy government planned to do in Spain in 2012 (August 2012). 8 The UK conservatives have probably put in place the most extreme workfare programme of Europe so far. See the ‘Boycott Workfare’ Campaign < http://www.boycottworkfare.org/> [29/05/2012]. 9 In Spain, the Rajoy government came up with a decree (16.2012) excluding under 26-year olds who haven't paid into social security in the past 2 years, from access to the healthcare system. This excludes a huge host of people who can't or don't do documented work: migrants, housewives, and the unemployed. 10 See < http://madrid.tomalaplaza.net/2012/05/20/la-familia-nuclear-es-radioactiva-2/> [05/06/2012]. 11 See the blog of the Sol Acampada: See < http://madrid.tomalaplaza.net> (01/06/2012) 12 Claudia Fonseca, ‘Review of “La famille en Europe. Parenté et perpetuation familiale”’. In: L'Homme, EHESS, No.144 (1997), p.224. 13 See Shirley L. Zimmerman, ‘The Welfare State and Family Breakup: The Mythical Connection’, Journal of Family Relations, 40: 2 (1991), pp.139–147. 14 Beyond the individual support people in a network get from their own family. 15 See ‘Pflegeregress: So viel muessen die Steirer zahlen’, Kleine Zeitung (29 July 2011) < http://www.kleinezeitung.at/nachrichten/politik/2797421/so-viel-muessen-steirer-zahlen.story> [29/07/2005]. 16 See Jacques Donzelot, The Policing of Families (New York: Random House, 1979 [1977]) 17 Jacques Donzelot, The Policing of Families, p.227 18 Jacques Donzelot, The Policing of Families, pp.228–229 19 Interview with members of Community Health Centre, San Francisco Solano, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. April 2012. http://futurearchive.org/movies/63 20 Interview with members of Community Health Centre, San Francisco Solano, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. April 2012. http://futurearchive.org/movies/63 21 Jacques Donzelot, The Policing of Families, p.94–95. 22 Helma Lutz, The new maids: transnational women and the care economy (London: Zed, 2011), p.79. 23 Helma Lutz, The new maids, p.110. 24 Emmanuel Todd, L'origine des systemes familiaux, Volume 1: Eurasia (Paris: Gallimard, 2011) p.18. 25 Helma Lutz, The new maids, p.113. 26 Helma Lutz, The new maids, p.116. 27 Interview with P. London, October 2011. http://futurearchive.org/movies/55 28 Interview with N. Barcelona, November 2011. http://futurearchive.org/movies/57 29 Helma Lutz, The new maids, p.114. 30 Kay Weston, Families We Choose: Lesbians, Gays, Kinship. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1991), p.109. 31 Interview with M, Madrid, October 2011. 32 Dean Spade, For Lovers and Fighters < http://www.makezine.enoughenough.org/newpoly2.html> [30/06/2005]. 33 Maurizio Lazzarato, La Fabrique de L'homme endetté (Paris: Editions Amsterdam, 2011), p.45. 34 In a session of the Nanopolitics group in London, on love, eroticism and activism, participants read the poem ‘no dominion’ by Dylan Thomas to each other several times. This group has been a site for reflecting on some of the questions raised in this article. See www.nanopolitics.noblogs.org 35 Care networks are also spaces for reflecting on what isn't possible, in relating to limits, blockages and borders. Being able to determine and act upon limitations: to give up the silly promise of unlimited potential, so typical of networks, and engage in crises and fragilities with care and love. A space where to begin to trust, to understand and respect each other in ways one might think belongs only to couples or families. 36 Interview with G., London, June 2011. 37 See also ‘Soziologe: Familie zerbröckelt als Unterstützungsnetzwerk’, Der Standard (30 July 2012). < http://derstandard.at/1342948017557/Soziologe-Familie-zerbroeckelt-als-Unterstuetzungsnetzwerk?seite = 4#forumstart> [15/08/2012]. 38 Interview with N., Barcelona, November 2011. http://futurearchive.org/movies/61

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