
The Battle of Manzikert in 1071 has been so important for the history of Turks, Islam World and for the world in terms of its consequences. For the Turks and Turkmens, who were dealing with political, economic and social problems in the geography they were lived in, it was a chance to have a homeland. For its importance for the Islam world, to win a victory over Cristian Byzantine provide a protection for Caliphate, which was under a heavy pressure by Shia Buyids, Mongols and Crusader world. After winning the Manzikert Battle, attempt to settle in Anatolia had increased; Byzantine could not fight with it by itself and asked for help fro the Pope, thus the victory also gave reasons for the Crusades. The Crusades had effects on political life in Anatolia, might entirely stop Anatolian Seljuk Empire expansion towards the west. Mongol Invasion and Kosedag Battle (1243) also had a grave importance in the political process over the collapse of Anatolian Seljuk Empire. In another aspect, when it comes to making Anatolia Turks homeland, it should not be recalled only Ottoman or Seljuk Empire at first place but beyliks, which fight against Armenians, Greeks, Georgians, Mongols, and Crusaders, also contributed to build Anatolia in terms of many dimensions such as political, social, cultural, architectural and so on. In this paper, we mention both this contributions and the political issues while they were settling in Anatolia. As it is important for the period, I also mention about beyliks.

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