
Background: Every year, more than 800,000 individuals die by suicide throughout the world. India’s suicide rate isgreatest in the 15-29 age bracket, according to a 2012 Lancet analysis.4 In India, from a public mental health perspective,adolescent or youth suicide is a major challenge that must be addressed through effective preventive measures. Thisresearch article provides a brief overview of the level of knowledge regarding youth suicide and its prevention amongthe parent population.5Methods: A quantitative research approach with pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test design and non-probabilitypurposive sampling technique was adopted with 40 parents. A structured knowledge questionnaire having 20 itemsfollowed by theme-based short film was administered on the 1st day, and post-test was taken on the 8th day.Results: Data obtained was analysed and result showed level of knowledge of parents as good, average, poor and excellent;scores in pre-test were 67.5%, 20%, 7.5% and 5% respectively; as compared to the results in the post test where 80% parentshad excellent and 20% had good level of knowledge regarding youth suicide and its prevention. Therefore, the short-filmwas found to be effective. Mean pre-test knowledge score of the parents was 11.4 and post-test mean knowledge score ofwas 16.1 with the standard deviation 9.37 and 4.84 respectively. The difference was found to be statistically significant asevidence from “Z” test value is 2.83, which is greater than table value (alpha=1.96) at 0.05 level of significance. Findingsshowed no significant association between the post-test knowledge score with the demographic variables; hence, the nullhypothesis was accepted and research hypothesis was rejected.Conclusion: The study concluded that the theme- based short film was effective in improving the level of knowledgeof parents regarding youth suicide and its prevention. There is a need to develop more information materials on youthsuicide and its prevention to fill information gap and improve the knowledge.

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