
In the Preface the author says that “in recent years dynamic MR mammography has increasingly established itself as an imaging modality in the diagnostic workup of the female breast.” In the current book the author successfully presents, evaluates and discusses the use of MR in the imaging of the breast. The text is subdivided into 16 chapters. The first and second deal with History of MR Mammography and Preparing and Informing the Patient, respectively. In the third, discussed are the Technique and Methods, from the basic principles of magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic units, breast compression, to 2-D and 3-D techniques, T2-weighted sequences, paramagnetic contrast material and automated image postprocessing and analysis, to mention only a few of the basic principles. Chapter 4 clearly presents the topic of Tumor Angiogenesis and its important correlation with dynamic MR mammography. In Chapter 5, the Diagnostic Criteria are illustrated, from precontrast examination, contrast-enhanced T1-weighted examinations, criteria of malignancy, to evaluation score. Each material is clearly presented. Chapter 6 deals with Artifacts and Sources of Error, from incorrect positioning, motion artifacts, to incorrect region of interest and signal alteration after diagnostic procedures. Normal Findings in MR Mammography are discussed in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 deals in depth with Benign Changes. Discussed in particular are radial scar and postoperative changes. Malignant Changes, from intraductal tumor forms to metastases to the breast, are presented in Chapter 9. Clearly evaluated are ductal and lobular carcinoma in situ and invasive ductal and lobular carcinoma. MR Mammography in Men, dealing with simple gynecomastia or cancer, is discussed in Chapter 10. The important matter of Indications for MR Mammography is clearly and thoroughly discussed in Chapter 11, with particular analysis on MR mammography in patients with ambiguous findings, and on the role of MRI in the postoperative staging and follow-up after lumpectomy. Briefly but accurately reviewed are, in the indications for MR mammography after lumpectomy, the differentiation between tumor recurrence, the postoperative effects and the interval of time between the lumpectomy and the MR mammography. In Chapter 12, well reviewed are the Differential Diagnoses and Strategic Consideration, with clear drawings and tables of the findings related to focal and diffuse enhancement. Appreciated is Chapter 13, on Prosthesis Diagnostic, where the reader will be first introduced to the examination technique, then through a review of the normal findings to the different complications following the various procedures. Chapter 14 is dedicated to MR-Guided Interventions, where reviewed and critically analyzed are the indications for various MR-guided interventions. Chapter 15 briefly reviews Quality Assessment, such as the checklist for MR Mammography, and Chapter 16 closes this interesting and instructive book by critically evaluating the Present Standing and Perspective of MR Mammography.

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