
Pediatric critical care is highly sophisticated and precise and is possible only in specialized areas such as pediatric intensive care units (PICUs) or high dependency units equipped with round-the-clock monitoring facilities, skilled and trained staff, and treatment equipment. The need for critical care beds was sharply felt during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Government of India launched the COVID-19 emergency response and health system preparedness package: phase II (ECRP-II) with a hub and spoke model to strengthen pediatric critical care delivery at district level under the skilled supervision of state-level PICUs of the identified center of excellence (CoE). The CoEs will have well-equipped PICUs providing tele-ICU service, mentoring, and technical hand-holding to the district pediatric unit. This model was envisioned to be extended to critically ill children with nonCOVID illnesses after the pandemic abates. For achieving the proposed objectives under the ECRP-II scheme, this guideline aims to provide a practical framework for setting up comprehensive pediatric care units at district hospitals and medical colleges (spoke) well connected with a CoE (hub) for teleconsultation, knowledge exchange, referral, and back referral between hub and spokes.

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