
PurposeThere are increasing reports in the literature of high rates of coagulopathy and venous thromboembolism (VTE) among hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Understanding of these abnormalities is continually evolving, but these conditions may pose a risk to COVID-19 patients beyond the risk typically seen in critically ill patients.SummaryThere are currently no widely accepted evidence-based guidelines regarding specifics related to treatment and prevention of COVID-19–related coagulopathies. Areas of management requiring clinical equipoise include agent selection and dosing, continuation vs interruption of home oral anticoagulant therapy during hospital admission, and postdischarge VTE prophylaxis. Clinicians may wish to consider use of a stratified, 3-tiered approach of low-intensity anticoagulation, intermediate-intensity anticoagulation, and therapeutic-dose anticoagulation. Patients can be categorized by tier depending on their risk factors for VTE, acuity of illness, and laboratory values such as D-dimer level.ConclusionPractical guidance on anticoagulation considerations and dosing suggestions are provided to assist clinicians faced with challenging anticoagulation-related situations in caring for hospitalized COVID patients until formal evidence-based guidelines become available.

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