
PP048-MON IMMUNE FUNCTION OF PATIENTS ON OLIVE OILBASED HOME PARENTERAL NUTRITION WITHOUT AN IMMUNE MODULATING UNDERLYING DISEASE E.D. Olthof1, H.M. Roelofs1, M.W. Versleijen1, R.H. te Morsche1, E.R. Simonetti2, P.W. Hermans2, G.J. Wanten1. 1Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2Laboratory of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands Rationale: It remains unclear whether the increased risk for infectious complications seen in patients on Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) results from impaired host defenses or from the presence of a venous access device. This study therefore compared immune function of patients on olive-oil based HPN and controls. Methods: Venous blood samples from 20 patients on oliveoil based HPN without an immune modulating underlying disease (Clinoleic®, 6 months; >3 times/ week), and 21 matched healthy controls were analyzed. Neutrophil function was assessed by evaluating neutrophil capacity to kill Streptococcus pneumonia, expression of markers for leukocyte adhesion (CD11b), -activation (CD62L) and -degranulation (CD66b) and stimulus induced oxygen radical production. Non-parametric statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Neutrophils from HPN patients displayed a similar capacity to kill Streptococcus pneumoniae compared to controls (mean±SEM: 49±5% and 45±5% killing respectively, p = 0.513). Also, levels of CD66b (p = 0.725) in granulocytes and of CD11b and CD62L in granulocytes (p = 0.106 and p = 0.121 respectively) and monocytes (p = 0.958 and p = 0.211 respectively) were not different in patients and controls. Spontaneous, phorbol esterand zymosan-induced oxygen radical production was also not different in whole blood (p = 0.068, p = 0.835 and p = 0.167 respectively) or isolated neutrophils (p = 0.696, p = 0.784 and p = 0.835 respectively) of patients and controls. Conclusion: In conclusion, we found no evidence for the presence of compromised immune functions in patients on olive-oil based home parenteral nutrition without an immune modulating underlying disease to explain the increased susceptibility to infections seen in some of these patients. Disclosure of Interest: E. Olthof: None Declared, H. Roelofs: None Declared, M. Versleijen: None Declared, R. te Morsche: None Declared, E. Simonetti: None Declared, P. Hermans: None Declared, G. Wanten Grant/Research Support from: Baxter Netherlands BV

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