
Towards a progressive buiding up of written language skills. Mireille BRIGAUDIOT, IUFM de Versailles-INRP PROG. The INRP piece of research entitled The progressive building up of written language skills from the 1st to 2nd cycles' (otherwise known as 'PROG'), which was carried out over a period of three years, aimed for ALL pupils to pass the first stages in the learning of the written language (written comprehension, written work and knowledge of the written language system). It was completed in 1998 and led to the publication of two works intended for primary school teachers. In this article, the research is described from a methodological point of view (longitudinal action research) and some of the results are presented : 'tools' enabling the teacher to respect each pupil as well as encourage him/her in his/her approach to learning, principles of didactic devices which allow for real progressiveness in the initial mastering of skills which are both so natural (language skills) and so abstract (alphabetical written work). To conclude, we open up a discussion on the teaching / learning of the written language.

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