
Heterogenic incompatibility is considered a defense mechanism against deleterious intruders such as mycovirus. Rosellinia necatrix shows strong heterogenic incompatibility. In the heterogenic incompatibility reaction, the approaching hyphae hardly anastomosed, a distinctive barrage line formed, and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled hyphae quickly lost their fluorescence when encountering incompatible hyphae. In this study, transmission of a hypovirulence-conferring mycovirus to strains with different genetic backgrounds was attempted. Various chemical reagents considered to affect the programmed cell death pathway or cell wall modification were examined. Treatment with zinc compounds was shown to aid in transmission of mycoviruses to strains with different genetic backgrounds. In incompatible pairings, treatment with zinc compounds accelerated hyphal anastomosis; moreover, cytosolic GFP was transmitted to the newly joined hyphae. These results suggest that zinc compounds not only increase hyphal anastomosis but also attenuate heterogenic incompatibility.

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