
Three Azospirillum brasilense mutants constitutive for nitrogen fixation (Nif(C)) in the presence of NH4(+) and deficient in nitrate-dependent growth were used as tools to define the roles of the glnB and ntrYX genes in this organism. Mutant HM14 was complemented for nitrate-dependent growth and NH4(+) regulation of nitrogenase by plasmid pL46 which contains the ntrYX genes of A. brasilense. Mutant HM26 was restored for NH4(+) regulation and nitrate-dependent growth by plasmid pJC1, carrying the A. brasilense glnB gene expressed from a constitutive promoter. Mutant HM053, on the other hand, was not complemented for NH4(+) regulation of nitrogenase and nitrate-dependent growth by both plasmids pJCI and pL46. The levels and control of glutamine synthetase activity of all mutants were not affected by both plasmids pL46 (ntrYX) and pJC1 (glnB). These results support the characterization of strains HM14 as an ntrYX mutant and strain HM26 as a glnB mutant and the involvement of ntrYX and glnB in the regulation of the general nitrogen metabolism in A. brasilense.

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