
Periodontal diseases are chronic infectious diseases and are a major oral health burden. With the progress in the understanding of etiology, epidemiology and pathogenesis of periodontal diseases coupled with the understanding of the polymicrobial synergy in the dysbiotic oral microbial flora, several new therapeutic targets have been identified. The strategies to curb bacterial growth and production of factors that gradually destroy the tissue surrounding and supporting the teeth have been the cornerstone for inhibiting periodontitis. Systemic administration of antibiotics for the treatment of periodontitis have shown several drawbacks including: inadequate antibiotic concentration at the site of the periodontal pocket, a rapid decline of the plasma antibiotic concentration to sub-therapeutic levels, the development of microbial resistance due to sub-therapeutic drug levels and peak-plasma antibiotic concentrations which may be associated with various side effects. These obvious disadvantages have evoked an interest in the development of localized drug delivery systems that can provide an effective concentration of antibiotic at the periodontal site for the duration of the treatment with minimal side effects. A targeted sustained release device which could be inserted in the periodontal pocket and prolong the therapeutic levels at the site of action at a much lower dose is the need of the hour. Chitosan, a deacetylated derivative of chitin has attracted considerable attention owing to its special properties including antimicrobial efficacy, biodegradability, biocompatibility and non-toxicity. It also has the propensity to act as hydrating agent and display tissue healing and osteoinducting effect. The aim of this review is to shine a spotlight on the chitosan based devices developed for drug delivery application in the effective treatment of various periodontal disorders. The chitosan based carriers like fibers, films, sponge, microparticles, nanoparticles, gels that have been designed for sustained release of drug into the periodontal pocket are highlighted.

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